Young Love Cut Flowers Bouquet

Product Information

Celebrate Young Love with this cut flower bouquet of mostly pastel flowers with a pop of bright color for interest. When we created this bouquet we were thinking of the cute little conversation heart candies you would give your friends in the sixth, lavender, peach, yellow, mint green...without the chalky taste.

Our florists will create a wrapped bouquet in these softer colors but spice it up a bit with pops of vibrant blooms. These cut flowers will come with an Eco-wrap to keep your bouquet hydrated in transit. The Eco-wrap is safe to add to your compost. When you arrive home with the flowers, fill your favorite vase with cool, but not cold, water and cut flower stems to an appropriate length for your vase. Place in vase and "fluff" them a bit to spread them out.

This option is great if you have lots of vases at home or the recipient likes to arrange flowers.

Substitution Policy

We are committed to delivering your gift on time and as fresh and beautiful as possible.

Due to nature, seasonality, and regional availability of flowers, it is sometimes necessary to make substitutions of equal or greater value. We reserve the right to substitute vases and baskets.

This item is not available through our web site.

Please call and speak to one of our consultants.

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